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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does La Luz charge a tuition or fee? 

La Luz is a tuition free school, but we do have an annual $1,000 activity fee which helps cover many activities throughout the year. In case of need, payment plans, scholarships and service hours are available.

The typical cost of private/independent schools os over $15,000 per year. 

2. Does La Luz provide lunch?

La Luz does not provide lunch. Students bring their own lunches daily. Some snacks may be provided. 

3. What grades does La Luz serve? 

Mixed 6th, 7th and 8th grades. We have experienced staff who have taught mixed grades before. 

4. Will La Luz provide transportation to and from school?

La Luz does not provide transportation to and from school.  We do have two vans for transportation to and from learning experiences during the day.

5. What are the school hours?

School hours are from 8:00AM-3:00PM daily. If families need to drop off students earlier, staff will be able to receive students starting at 7:45.


6. Does La Luz require school uniforms?

La Luz does not require uniforms, but does expect students to dress appropriately for outdoor adventure, as well as follow the DPS dress code for appropriate clothing. 

7. Will my child receive learning instruction for all subject areas?

La Luz uses a holistic competency and project based learning approach which includes all subject areas. Students will also receive weekly targeted direct instruction for literacy and math skills

8. Will students be provided with laptop computers?

La Luz does provide students with laptop computers. 

9. Hablan español ? 

Sí, tenemos guías quien hablan Español. 

Have more questions? Please submit them! A member of our team will answer them for you as soon as possible.


Adopted by Resolution of the Governing Board of La Luz Education

La Luz Education admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin religion, gender, gender expression, disability, and sexual orientation to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin religion, gender, gender expression, disability, and sexual orientation in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other school-administered programs.

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